Stop People "Being able to find your friends" on facebook...

I am sure you are here because you have searched about how to "stop people being able see my friends facebook" or something like that. 

Don't worry i have collected a series of solution which must surely help you.

Solution #1. If u go up in the right corner and put your mouse over account settings then go to Privacy Settings. Once you do that you can choose everything you want to be Private and also so people can't see your friends and fan pages.

Solution#2. On the top bar, where it says home, friends, profile, etc, click settings, and choose Privacy Settings. Then click Profile Information.Then click change settings, and type in your password. Then, turn everything into "Only Friends" and only your friends will be able to access any of your information.

Sulution #3. Oh, I know. Go to the Privacy Settings. Then click Profile. Afterward, click the topic that does not allow people to see your fan pages and groups.

S p o n s o r ed L i n k

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown Hari: 3:35 AM Kategori:



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