Different browser Different View : One Click Website Appearance Checkup

Building website has become fun nowadays when we have so many 'One-Click' website designing tools available. Tools provided by CMS portals like blogger and wordpress etc. and the tool provided by domain service providers like godaddy and bigrock. Any person with a reasonable knowledge of computer and internet can easily create his website with the help of these tools. 

But there is no guarantee that the websites and blogs build on such services will appear the same way what you have desired them to. Browsershot is a service that can help you go through different appearance of your portal on more than 80 different web browsers. And that too in one click plus less 1 minute time span, 

Apart from Browser shot you can check your websites appearance on various web browsers with the help of few other online services like : IENETRender and BrowserCamp

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Ditulis Oleh : Unknown Hari: 1:12 AM Kategori:


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