Blogger Error on Adsense Asynchronous Code Implementation

Few days back, google have started to offer asynlchronous adsense code for all its publishers. Asynchronous Adsesne code is helpful to increase your website's page speed, means the time it takes to load on a web browser. Ultimately it helps you by increasing your return on adsense since your page loads much quicker and your adsense account also shows your website health with good points. 

Problem in implementation of Asynchronous ad code of Adsense:
Though implementation is very simple for the asynchronous adsense code but for that we should follow few stepts, otherwise your CMS system (like will give you some sort of error and wont allow you to add the code into the widgets of inside the template. 

Step 1. firstly add this line of your asynchronous adsense code into <head> part of your blogger template
Step2. Now copy and paste the remaining part (like given below) of your adsense code at the place where you want it to be shown.

Your CMS System will not produce any error while doing so. 

S p o n s o r ed L i n k

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown Hari: 3:58 AM Kategori:


  1. It still shows the error. It's because of that "async" part, it's not complete.

    For anyone having trouble with this, try adding:


    It worked for me.



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